
Why is nutritional supplementation important:
Nutrients are substances which are necessary to sustain life.
They must be obtained from food as they are either not made in the body at all, or are not made in sufficient quantities for growth, vitality and well-being.
A deficiency of a particular nutrient can cause disease symptoms which can only be cured by that nutrient. It is impossible to sustain life without the
essential vitamins and minerals. Yet in modern times, our soils have become anemic and our food has become impure. In short this means we can no longer get the nutritional elements we
need from our food. We must consciously supplement our daily intake of food with the lacking nutritional components, or poor health and disease
are certain resultants.
What nutrients do:
Nutrients have many functions and influence the health of every organ in the body. The combination
of essential substances such as vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes brings about certain life-sustaining chemical reactions. Individual nutrient components
have specific functions which vary widely and can overlap. They are involved in growth, the ability to produce, the maintenance of health, and the basic functionalities
required to sustain life. However our soils and foods are not what they used to be. The over-farming of the soils, the un-natural implementation of growth hormones,
the hybriding and genetic altering of foods, and the general decline of the nutritional awareness of the modern diet have all lead to the nutritional epidemic that
plagues the modern world.
What can be done about it?
It is with great pride that we offer the following selection of nutritional products.
We believe the following products to be the absolute best in their field.
Click on the Product Pictures Below For Detailed Information on Each Product:
The Complete Health - Nutritional Programs
Individual Nutritional Products


Nutritional Supplement
MSRP: $39.95
$34.95 (32 fl. oz.)
The Purest, 100% Wild-Harvested, USDA Certified Organic, Therapeutic Goji Juice on the Market!
Goji100™ is a truly amazing health-generating powerhouse! Registering an incredible 25,300 ORAC units per 100 grams; and an unbelievable 355,000 reading on the Bovis Scale.
Never reconstituted! Never freeze-dried! Never altered or converted to a powdered form! Goji100 is the purest Goji juice product you can get.
Made from the whole Goji berry. No added fruit juices, sweeteners, sugars, preservatives, water, or anything!


Nutritional Supplement
MSRP: $39.95
$34.95 (32 fl. oz.)
The Purest, 100% Wild-Harvested, USDA Certified Organic, Therapeutic Mangosteen Juice on the Market!
Analysis show that one bottle of Mangosteen One is equal to between 3 and 9 bottles of Mangosteen produced and marketed by various other companies.
No other brand on the market can match the Xanthone content ounce for ounce contained within Mangosteen One. Unlike other Mangosteen juice products, Mangosteen One
is not reconstituted from a powder, and is made from the whole Mangosteen fruit; including rind, pulp & seeds. No added fruit juices, sweeteners, sugars, preservatives, water, or anything!


Nutritional Supplement
MSRP: $39.95
$34.95 (32 fl. oz.)
The Purest, 100% Wild-Harvested, USDA Certified Organic, Therapeutic Noni Juice on the Market!
Analysis show that one bottle of Noni One™ is equal to between 3 and 8 bottles of Noni produced and marketed by various other companies.
No added fruit juices, sweeteners, sugars, preservatives, water, or anything! NOT reconstituted from a powder -- but rather just 100% pure, wild-harvested and aged Noni juice. Simply the strongest, therapeutic-grade, most pure 100% Noni whole-fruit juice available.

Are you feeling guilty about your love for coffee? You don't need to feel guilty... if you're drinking healthy coffee!
Finally, great tasting coffee that is actually good for you !!!
Click here to see the entire Healthy Coffee line of products. |
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Note: The statements contained on this website have not been reviewed or approved
by the Food and Drug Administration for their validity. Nothing contained on this
site is meant to infer or state that the products are for the treatment of any disease
or ailment. Always consult with your physician if you experience any medical problems.
References and additional information:
- Joel D. Wallach, BS, DVM, ND and Ma Lan, MD, MS "Rare Earth Forbidden Cures "
- Joel D. Wallach, BS, DVM, ND and Ma Lan, MD, MS "Let's Play Herbal Doctor "
- Joel D. Wallach, BS, DVM, ND and Ma Lan, MD, MS "Let's Play Doctor "
- Joel D. Wallach, BS, DVM, ND and Ma Lan, MD, MS "Dead Doctors Don't Lie"
- Paavo Airola, ND, PhD "How To Get Well"; Health Plus Publishers
- Nicholas Culpepper "Culpepper's Complete Herbal"; Omega 1985
- Penny C. Royal "Herbally Yours"; Sound Nutrition 1982
- James F. Balch, MD "Prescription For Nutritional Healing"; Sound Nutrition 1997
- Alma R. Hutchens "Indian Herbology of North America"; Merco 1973
- Organic & Natural Enterprise Group Pty Ltd
- California Dairy Research Foundation
- Natasha Trenev, "Probiotics: Nature's Internal Healers"
- Dr. Mark A. Brudnak, "Probiotic Solution: Nature's Best-Kept Secret for Radiant Health"
- Lars A. Hanson, "Probiotics, Other Nutritional Factors, & Intestinal Microflora "
- Kelly Dowhower Karpa, "Bacteria for Breakfast: Probiotics for Good Health "
- Mary Ruth Swope, "Green Leaves of Barley: Nature's Miracle Rejuvenator"
- Yoshihide Hagiwara, "Green Barley Essence"
- Yoshihide Hagiuara, "Green Barley Essence: The Ideal Fast Food"
- Y.H. International
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