Introducing perhaps the best-tasting "Healthy Coffee" in the world. The Ganoderma-blend selection of coffees and beverages are a collection of delicious, healthy blends including the remarkable Ganoderma Lucidum which helps to strengthen the bodys immune system - providing more energy and vigor, while reducing fatigue.
In fact, the Ganoderma-blend selections of coffees are quickly becoming internationally reknown. But how does it compare to regular coffees? We challenge you to feel the difference!
You may already be an avid coffee lover... but the fears of the degenerative and controversial
effects of coffee on the human body makes that cup of coffee not quite as enjoyable as it should. Those days are finally over! Introducing
a perfect blending of the rich flavorful, high-quality robust Brazilian coffee beans with the powerful Ganoderma Lucidum extract
regarded by the Chinese as the 'Miraculous King of Herbs'. Ganoderma Lucidum is reported to be able to improve the body’s healing ability,
maintain a healthy body and to promote longevity. It's properties to strengthen the immune system are also well identified. Ganoderma Lucidum is also known by the names Reishi (Rei shi) or Ling zhi.
This amazing Chinese Herb has even been recognized and endorsed by the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia Society.
In ancient times, Ganoderma Lucidum in medicine was considered so advantageous that its medical
efficacy has been attested to in the oldest Chinese medical text; estimated to be over 2,000 years old (although the Reishi mushroom's usage in
ancient medicinal practice has been speculated by many to be older than 4000 years). The book, which is known in Japan as "Shinnoh Honsohkyo",
is now accepted as being the original textbook of Oriental medical science. In it, 365 kinds of herbal medicines are classified
and explained. These are basically classified into 3 categories: 120 of them are declared to be "superior" medicines, another 120
are classified as "average" medicines, and the remaining 125 are placed in the "fair" category. The "superior" medicines are called
"God's Herbs" and they are for perpetual youth and longevity - the medicines of the legendary wizards. The "average" category medicines
are those which can be taken as a tonic, and those in the "fair" category are taken to remedy specific ailments. Of the superior medicines
listed in the text, Ganoderma Lucidum was rated number one.

Many ailments can be caused by the imbalance of natural body functions due to the accumulation of toxins in the body.
Ganoderma Lucidum helps the body remove the build-up of toxins and allows the body’s natural immune system to strengthen itself. The reports of the positive effects
of this powerful herb are numerous and documented in both modern scientific research and through literally thousands of years of use.
Click here to read more about this amazing Chinese Herb and its properties and uses.
Approximately 200 clinical studies on Ganoderma Lucidum have been documented and published by Pub Med
on the effects and usage of Ganoderma Lucidum. To view these studies simply click on this Pub Med link,
and then key in 'Ganoderma Lucidum' in the search text box.
After many tests and experiments with the more than 200 species of mushroom, it was discovered that
Ganoderma Lucidum - the Red Mushroom - has the highest therapeutic value, compared to other types of mushrooms. Only six types of Ganoderma Lucidum
have the greatest therapeutic value. Subsequently, these six species are used to produce the Ganoderma blend. No chemicals, pesticides or hormones are ever used in the cultivation;
ensuring that only the highest quality and potency is available to you through these amazing products. The ganoderma cultivation plantation been internationally certified, and ensures that the entire product line complies with
quality international standards of both product purity and the manufacturing and packaging process.
Ganoderma Lucidum provides the 'caffeine' jumpstart you expect... without the caffeine!!
Ganoderma coffees and beverages give you an energy boost that lasts for hours - not from caffeine, but from the ancient healthy ingredient Ganoderma Lucidum, revered for centuries for it's amazing rejuvenating properties.
These unique blends contain less net caffeine than most of your other favorite beverages!
Compare the differences in levels between various other caffeinated beverages and products:
- Espresso - 1 serving (1-2oz): 100 mg of caffeine
- Brewed coffee = between 90-150 mg of caffeine
- Instant regular coffee= between 60-80 mg of caffeine
- Tea = between 40-70 mg of caffeine
- Mate = between 25-150 mg of caffeine
- Cola = 45 mg of caffeine
- Stay-awake pill = 100 mg of caffeine
- Vivarin = 200 mg of caffeine
- Cold Relief tablet = 30 mg of caffeine
- Ganoderma Healthy Coffee = a net value of only 8.4 mg
The Ganoderma products allow you to continue to savor the full-bodied flavor you expect in a premium blend coffee, and feel invigorated, without the possible harsh side-effects of "quitting" coffee or sacrificing the taste you expect and love.
Ganoderma-blend beverages give you that 'kick' you expect (from the revitalizing properties of Ganoderma) while minimizing the potential health detriments caused from excessive caffeine consumption. Couple this with the powerful healthy regenerative properties of the Ganoderma Lucidum, and you will never have to feel guilty about your love for coffee again!
C. Omilian; Columbus, GA (*Note: results may vary from person to person)
"Wow! The taste is unbelievably good, far better than I was expecting in a healthy coffee. In fact it tastes just like the regular coffee I used to drink.
But I guess that's because it's not a coffee substitute - it is real coffee!! As a health-conscious person, I can now enjoy my pastime in confidence."
J. Robins; St. Louis, MO (*Note: results may vary from person to person)
"I have to admit I was a bit skeptical at first. I didn't think I could survive without my heavy dose of morning caffeine, and although I believe in eating healthy, I really needed my coffee. I just couldn't get started without that morning boost. But your healthy coffee has revolutionized my life. I'm no longer a slave to caffeine, and my morning boost now comes from the healthy Ganoderma Lucidum-enhanced coffee. Additionally, I even feel better physically. I just wanted to write and thank you for these products. You have a customer for life."
D.; Canada (*Note: results may vary from person to person)
"I am amazed, you know that I have been in severe pain for about four years. I can hardly believe it the last couple of weeks I have had NO PAIN!
I even went to a party last week-end and danced the whole night....jiving and the whole bit. I have not been able to do that for a couple of years.
I was not doing anything different but drinking the healthy coffee and tea and not a whole lot of it. Wow! You have no idea how exciting this is, makes me realize what a gold
mine we are sitting on. To be able to help people with pain is worth more than money. Thanks for introducing me to Gano."
K. Henderson, N.D.; Tulsa OK (*Note: results may vary from person to person)
"I lost about 5 pounds in the first 3 days after just drinking the coffee. I didn’t have any pills at all. I just was brought some samples and started drinking it and noticed that. And I know I’ve had a lot more energy and just want to talk about all of the different uses of the coffee. We’re so excited and my husband’s loving it. He is a heavy duty coffee drinker and he was a little skeptical at first. He drank the coffee and loved it. He said it tastes like it’s just been brewed. He’s lost weight too."
Richard; Alberta, Canada (*Note: results may vary from person to person)
"The Gano Chocolate is absolutely wonderful. I just love chocolate and have tried many different brands of hot chocolate beverages, including many international products.
This is as good as my favorite German blends. With Gano Chocolate, not only am I drinking the best tasting hot chocolate in the world, but it's also healthy too. Thank you so much!"
D. Adams; Reno, NV (*Note: results may vary from person to person)
"I just love your coffee. I am now exclusive to your healthy coffee for all my coffee cravings."
Enjoy the coffee you love... without sacrificing any of the great taste you expect... with the added benefits
of the most powerful health-beneficial ingredient from ancient Chinese herbology. Each of the following selections include the revered, powerful
Ganoderma Lucidum extract regarded by the Chinese as the 'Miraculous King of Herbs'. Ganoderma is reported to be able to improve the body’s healing ability,
maintain a healthy body and promote longevity. If you're going to drink coffee... why not drink healthy coffee?
In modern times, hot beverages have become an integral part of many cultures and in individual's lives.
In fact with the advent of modern times, communication and commerce between nations and peoples has enabled the sharing of cultural pastimes,
often enjoyed around the dinner table. Among this, the enjoyment of coffee and tea have become the
staple of family and friend gatherings, as well as for personal quiet times. Why not make these flavorful times of enjoyment also
opportunities for health enrichment and well-being!
The Secret of Asia - has finally arrived in America!!
Enjoy Ganoderma blended coffees and beverages
"The Miraculous King of Herbs"
Ganoderma may help to:
- Provide more energy & vigor --- less fatigue
- Rejuvenate and make you feel young and alert
- Detoxify the body & promote wellness
- Strengthen the body's immune system
- Reduce unhealthy cholesterol levels

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